Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Mark 6:45-56 - Seeing Jesus as God


Passage: Mark 6:45-56
Originally Preached: 5/6/05 - 6:30pm Service - St Stephen's Anglican, Belrose
Series: A Boat, Cleanliness and a Woman from Outta Town

Description: A call to see and treat Jesus as God, just as he wanted his disciples to do.

Comment: This was the first sermon in a three week series that I did on three stories in Mark 6 and 7. It was the first series that I ever did. It was a challenging experience. I'd love to do it again.

This passage was scary when I first did it. I had heard so many messages on Mathew's version of this story where Peter gets out of the boat that I was dreading having to do another "Have faith, get out of your boat" sermon. I was relieved to find that Mark was doing a completely different thing from his learned colleague. Mark was stressing the deity of Jesus. There are fantastic references to the Old Testament that we generally miss when we read this story. I tried to highlight that in this. I think we often miss the OT references in the New Testament because we just don't know our Bible enough. It's great to discover these references which shed so much light on what's going on, it's like discovering gold.

The Pash-Pal story illustration was a fun one to do. It became a bit of a running joke at our church for a while after that sermon. It may even still come up a bit. I'm not sure. In case you're wondering, I don't actually think Pash-Pals are a good idea.

I was told that this sermon didn't make the leap from exegesis to application very well. Especially in the second point of application, Jesus is mighty to save. Some people felt that I didn't show clearly enough how I drew that application from the text. I guess both were broad applications from the implications of Jesus' deity. It was difficult to find specific applications from the passage for a bunch of Christians who already believe that Jesus is God. My aim was to help people see where they may have lapses in their application of their theology of the deity of Christ. I still see the connection, but I can understand why it may a little of a stretch. But even if I was wrong, it was still a Biblical truth that I was affirming. When preaching this message since then I have worked hard to fix that issue.

All up I was happy with this sermon.


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