Sunday, August 03, 2008

Col 1:15-23 - We Are Because Christ Is


Passage: Col 1:15-23
Originally Preached: 20/07/08 - 10am Service - St Stephen's Anglican, Belrose
Series: The Message of Colossians

Description: We are who we are only because Christ is who he is.

Comment: I know it's been a long time since uploads. I did preach once since the last upload, but life got in the way. But we're back now.

This was a rather exciting passage. One of the Bible's Greatest Hits. So I was happy to have it. Rather daunted too. It's a big passage, with big ideas, and a lot in it. It was hard to do it justice. I'm hoping I did ok.

I preached this message at all three services. I decided to stick up the 10am one. It's not as fun as the 6:30pm one, but I think it was the best executed one. At well, slickness is what it's all about.

Probably the best bit about preaching this one was that I just got to think about Jesus in all his bigness for a while. It's not really entirely comprehensible. But he's good to spend time considering, and I got to do it. It really is amazing that Jesus would pay attention to us. He seems a little to important to bother with us. But I can't say I'm complaining. It's grace that we would even get thought of, let alone lived with and died for. Go Jesus!


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