Saturday, January 02, 2010

1 Cor 15:1-20: The Best is Yet to Come


Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1-20
Originally Preached: 29/11/09 - 6pm Service - Hornsby Baptist Church
Series: Jesus, All About Life

Description: Jesus' resurrection is the lynch-pin of our faith. If it didn't happen, then our faith is useless, if it did, then we have more to look forward to than we can imagine.

Comment: This was a fun one to preach. Perhaps because the resurrection is so fundamental to our faith, and because the aim was to address the topic apologetically.

I especially enjoyed the section on "our best is yet to come". I would love to spend a whole sermon addressing the implications of a physical resurrection. I love the fact that our life after death is just as physical as this one, perhaps more so, as we revel in God's new creation.

I also enjoyed teasing out the implications if there is no physical resurrection. I think the resurrection is something we reference regularly in church but we don't spend heaps of time talking about it. This leaves it open to misunderstanding and people forming unbiblical ideas about what's actually happened when Jesus rose from the dead. I think it's important we give people clear teaching on what the resurrection is and is not, and what the implications are if we believe it to be anything other than a physical, bodily resurrection. I hope that I went a small way towards achieving that.

I got some feedback after preaching that I should probably have been a little easier on old people. The older members of the congregation liked it, but I can full understand the feed back, and were I to do it again I'd try and be a little more sensitive.

All up I'm happy with this one. And very thankful for Jesus and his resurrection.


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